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8 helpful tips to handle graduation day stress

13 octobre 2015

Without proper preparation, graduation day can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Here are a few ways to combat stress to help you stay calm and collected as you accept your diploma/degree.

8 helpful tips to handle graduation day stress

1. Prepare everything the previous day

  • Make sure you plan ahead to avoid the last-minute rush. Decide on your outfit, arrange transport, establish your meeting point with family and friends and book somewhere special to celebrate afterwards.
  • Don't leave anything to be decided on the big day - you'll avoid a great deal of stress if you know exactly what you're doing in advance.

2. Choose a comfortable but elegant outfit

  • Your outfit has the potential to make or break your graduation day, so give it some thought. You want to be comfortable so you can move around confidently, but also smart and sophisticated.
  • This is an important occasion, and a lot of pictures will be taken, so plan accordingly.

3. Opt for shoes that can keep you at ease all day

  • Your shoes will help determine your mood on this special day. If you go for something too tight, too dressy or too high in the heel, chances are you're going to end up counting down the minutes to the end of the ceremony. Instead, opt for a pair that is stylish, clean-cut, light and comfortable.

4. Arrive to the venue as early as possible

  • Give yourself time to relax and become acquainted with the graduation venue by arriving early. The earlier you get there, the more you will familiarize yourself with the place and the more comfortable you will feel during the ceremony. This will help calm your nerves and allow you to enjoy yourself more.

5. Don't let your family stress you out

  • You may already be nervous about the ceremony, so the last thing you need is your family stressing you further.
  • If they are offering too many conflicting opinions on what you should wear or say, or even how you should behave, shut them out and do what you think is best for you. This is your time, and you should try your best to enjoy it.

6. Enjoy this moment, the future can wait

  • Graduation is a very significant event that marks the end of one era and the beginning of another. Don't let such a meaningful occasion turn sour by loading it with worries and stress regarding the future.
  • Take this moment to have fun and appreciate where you are in life; there is always time later to stress about what's coming tomorrow.

7. Collect contact details to stay in touch

  • After graduation, all those people you used to see every day will follow different paths. If you want to keep some people close to you - not only classmates, but also instructors that helped you get here, too - then make sure you ask for email addresses and phone numbers.
  • Collect business cards and stay connected; you never know when you might need their help again.

8. Acknowledge your success and reward yourself

  • There is no better way to avoid stress than by acknowledging how much work getting here took and realizing that this is a time to treasure and enjoy.
  • Instead of worrying about every little thing, focus on rewarding yourself and allowing this day to be one that you will look back on with fondness.
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